8/7/1983, RIN83-PAK83, Yankee Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1983 Ringlings         0  2  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
1983 Arms              1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  0
                      13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22     R  H  E   LOB DP
1983 Ringlings         0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1     5 18  2    12  0
1983 Arms              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0     4 13  0    15  3
Ringlings            AB  R  H BI   AVG    Arms                 AB  R  H BI   AVG
Wilson,M          cf 10  0  3  0  .259    Gross             3b  9  0  1  0  .190
Mazzilli          rf  4  0  1  0  .264    Van Slyke         lf  3  1  1  0  .298
 Berra            ph  1  0  0  0  .214     Power            p   0  0  0  0  .000
 Strawberry       rf  5  0  0  0  .229     Stanley          p   0  0  0  0  .000
Rice              lf  8  0  2  0  .280     Washington,R     ph  1  0  0  0  .238
White,F           2b  8  2  2  0  .247     Forster          p   0  0  0  0  .000
Brooks            3b  8  2  2  0  .234     Marshall         ph  1  0  0  0  .253
LeMaster          ss  7  0  3  2  .251     Burris           p   2  0  0  0  .143
Ortiz             c   7  0  1  2  .173     Gladden          ph  1  0  0  0  .167
Yastrzemski       1b  9  1  2  0  .200     Shirley          p   0  0  0  0  .000
Cox               p   3  0  0  0  .143     Eckersley        p   1  0  0  0  .111
 Laudner          ph  1  0  0  0  .148     Zahn             p   1  0  0  0  .194
 Johnson,Jo       p   0  0  0  0  .000    Brenly            c  10  0  1  1  .198
 McGaffigan       p   0  0  0  0  .000    Davis,C           cf  9  1  1  0  .240
 Grubb            ph  1  0  0  0  .227    Sandberg          2b  7  1  2  0  .265
 Davis,Ma         p   0  0  0  0  .158    Matthews          rf  2  0  0  0  .281
 Hassey           ph  1  0  1  0  .252     Moore,M          p   0  0  0  0  .167
 Clear            p   1  0  0  0  .000     Sisk             p   0  0  0  0  .000
 Tekulve          p   1  0  0  0  .000     Leonard,J        lf  6  1  2  2  .328
 Knepper          p   1  0  1  1  .163    Ramirez,R         ss  9  0  1  0  .305
                     76  5 18  5          Cabell            1b  9  0  2  1  .275
                                          Honeycutt         p   1  0  0  0  .216
                                           Baines           rf  7  0  2  0  .282
                                                               79  4 13  4
Ringlings                        INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Cox                              8.0  3  1  1  2  5 106  70  4.18
Johnson,Jo       H 3             0.1  0  1  1  1  0   9   3  2.08
McGaffigan       BS 8            2.2  5  2  2  1  3  52  36  5.55
Davis,Ma                         2.0  0  0  0  0  1  19  15  3.97
Clear                            5.0  3  0  0  1  8  66  48  5.01
Tekulve                          2.0  2  0  0  1  2  32  20  4.20
Knepper          W 10-11         2.0  0  0  0  0  2  12  12  3.84
                                22.0 13  4  4  6 21 296 204 
Arms                             INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Honeycutt                        4.1  8  4  4  0  1  66  50  4.76
Moore,M                          0.2  0  0  0  1  1  15   7  3.52
Sisk                             1.0  0  0  0  0  0  17  12  2.59
Power                            1.0  2  0  0  1  0  14   6  5.75
Stanley                          1.0  0  0  0  1  0  14   6  3.28
Forster                          2.0  0  0  0  0  1  25  16  1.80
Burris                           7.0  4  0  0  0  4  76  47  4.07
Shirley                          1.1  0  0  0  1  0  16   7  7.71
Eckersley        L 3-13          3.0  4  1  1  0  1  30  25  5.72
Zahn                             0.2  0  0  0  0  0   4   3  3.14
                                22.0 18  5  5  4  8 277 179 
RIN: Laudner batted for Cox in the 9th
     Berra batted for Mazzilli in the 10th
     Strawberry inserted at rf in the 10th
     Grubb batted for McGaffigan in the 12th
     Hassey batted for Davis,Ma in the 14th
PAK: Baines inserted at rf in the 5th
     Leonard,J inserted at lf in the 7th
     Washington,R batted for Stanley in the 8th
     Marshall batted for Forster in the 10th
     Gladden batted for Burris in the 17th
E-Ortiz, Yastrzemski. 2B-Mazzilli(2), Yastrzemski 2(4), Van Slyke(4), 
Cabell(18). 3B-Knepper(1). RBI-LeMaster 2(30), Ortiz 2(4), Knepper(6), 
Brenly(26), Cabell(43), Leonard,J 2(15). SB-Wilson,M(40), LeMaster 2(16), 
Van Slyke(8), Brenly(6), Leonard,J(3). CS-Wilson,M, Gross. K-Rice 2, Brooks, 
LeMaster, Ortiz, Laudner, Strawberry, Grubb, Gross 3, Brenly, Davis,C 3, 
Sandberg, Matthews 2, Ramirez,R 2, Cabell 4, Baines, Leonard,J 2, Marshall, 
Burris. BB-Rice, White,F, Brooks, LeMaster, Gross, Davis,C, Sandberg 2, 
Baines, Leonard,J. SH-LeMaster. SF-Ortiz. HBP-Ortiz. PB-Ortiz. HB-Sisk. 
GWRBI: Knepper
Rick Honeycutt was injured for this game and 10 more days
Temperature: 68, Sky: clear, Wind: right to left at 8 MPH.
8/7/1983, RIN83-PAK83, Yankee Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1983 Ringlings         0  2  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
1983 Arms              1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  0
                      13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22     R  H  E   LOB DP
1983 Ringlings         0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1     5 18  2    12  0
1983 Arms              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0     4 13  0    15  3
Ringlings            -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Wilson,M          cf 1>13         3>63         5>S          7>Power        43        
Mazzilli          rf   63           43           9            POCS2(136)             
 Berra            ph                                                     0>43        
 Strawberry       rf                                                                 
Rice              lf   8            k            Moore,M      IW           3/g       
White,F           2b 2>S          4>S            SB2          643/gdp      63        
Brooks            3b   S.1-3        S.1-3        k          8>Stanley    1>Burris    
                                                              W            5/fl      
LeMaster          ss   S.3-H;1-3    S.3-H;1-3  6>Sisk         14/SH.1-2    63        
Ortiz             c    8/SF.3-H     S.3-H;1-3    HBP          63.2-3       43        
Yastrzemski       1b   SB2          8            43.1-2       OA.3xH(21) 2>8         
                       5                                    9>Forster                
Cox               p    8            463/gdp      53                                  
 Laudner          ph                                          k                      
 Johnson,Jo       p                                                                  
 McGaffigan       p                                                                  
 Grubb            ph                                                       k         
 Davis,Ma         p                                                                  
 Hassey           ph                                                                 
 Clear            p                                                                  
 Tekulve          p                                                                  
 Knepper          p                                                                  
Arms                 -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Gross             3b 1>6            8          6>k            8          0>S         
Van Slyke         lf   D          4>63           43                                  
 Power            p                                                                  
 Stanley          p                                                                  
 Washington,R     ph                                          6                      
 Forster          p                                                                  
 Marshall         ph                                                       k         
 Burris           p                                                                  
 Gladden          ph                                                                 
 Shirley          p                                                                  
 Eckersley        p                                                                  
 Zahn             p                                                                  
Brenly            c    SB3          53           7          9>Johnson,Jo   CS2(24)   
                       43.3-H                                 8            e3.B-1    
Davis,C           cf   7            S          7>1            W            SB2       
Sandberg          2b 2>8            W.1-2        63           McGaffigan 1>k         
Matthews          rf   k            k                                                
 Moore,M          p                                                                  
 Sisk             p                                                                  
 Leonard,J        lf                             W            pb.2-3;1-2   9         
Ramirez,R         ss   9          5>43           note 1       9            S         
Cabell            1b 3>43           k          8>43           D.1-H        S.1-2     
Honeycutt         p    43                                                            
 Baines           rf                k            S            63           63        
 1: SB2.1-3(e2/th) 
Ringlings            -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Wilson,M          cf   2/fl       5>63           7            S            Zahn      
Mazzilli          rf                                                                 
 Berra            ph                                                                 
 Strawberry       rf 3>43           k          8>Shirley      363/gdp      63        
Rice              lf   S            k            43         1>S                      
White,F           2b   7          6>8            7            16/b/f.B-1             
Brooks            3b   9            7          9>13           8                      
LeMaster          ss 4>k            S/b          W            7                      
Ortiz             c    53           43           Eckersley  2>k                      
Yastrzemski       1b   D          7>4            8            D                      
Cox               p                                                                  
 Laudner          ph                                                                 
 Johnson,Jo       p                                                                  
 McGaffigan       p                                                                  
 Grubb            ph                                                                 
 Davis,Ma         p                                                                  
 Hassey           ph   S.2xH(82)                                                     
 Clear            p                 43                                               
 Tekulve          p                            0>4                                   
 Knepper          p                                           T.2-H                  
Arms                 -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Gross             3b 2>Davis,Ma     W.1-2        9            k            k         
Van Slyke         lf                                                                 
 Power            p                                                                  
 Stanley          p                                                                  
 Washington,R     ph                                                                 
 Forster          p                                                                  
 Marshall         ph                                                                 
 Burris           p    6            k                                                
 Gladden          ph                           7>53                                  
 Shirley          p                                                                  
 Eckersley        p                                           9                      
 Zahn             p                                                      2>3/g       
Brenly            c    4          5>S            k          0>8            8         
Davis,C           cf 3>k            k            43           53           7         
Sandberg          2b   53           S.1-2      8>9            S                      
Matthews          rf                                                                 
 Moore,M          p                                                                  
 Sisk             p                                                                  
 Leonard,J        lf   31           k            k            S.1-3                  
Ramirez,R         ss 4>Clear        6            k            64/f                   
Cabell            1b   k          6>6/L        9>Tekulve    1>Knepper                
                                                 k            k                      
Honeycutt         p                                                                  
 Baines           rf   S            43           W            9                      
Ringlings        IN OUT ER                  Arms             IN OUT ER                  
Cox              A1  D2  1                  Honeycutt        A1  C2  4                  
Johnson,Jo       D3  D4  1 H 3              Moore,M          C3  C5  0                  
McGaffigan       D5  E9  2 BS 8             Sisk             C6  C9  0                  
Davis,Ma         F1  F6  0                  Power            D1  D4  0                  
Clear            F7  H7  0                  Stanley          D5  D7  0                  
Tekulve          H8  I7  0                  Forster          D8  E4  0                  
Knepper          I8  J4  0 W 10-11          Burris           E5  H1  0                  
                                            Shirley          H2  H6  0                  
                                            Eckersley        H7  I9  1 L 3-13           
                                            Zahn             J1  J2  0                  
8/7/1983, RIN83-PAK83, Yankee Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
1983 Ringlings         0  2  0  2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
1983 Arms              1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  0
                      13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22     R  H  E   LOB DP
1983 Ringlings         0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1     5 18  2    12  0
1983 Arms              0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0     4 13  0    15  3
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Ringlings batting
 0-0  0 --- 22  Wilson,M grounded out to the mound (SCFBFFBFFX)
 0-0  1 --- 00  Mazzilli grounded out to short (X)
 0-0  2 --- 00  Rice flied out to center (X)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Arms batting
 0-0  0 --- 00  Gross popped out to short (X)
 0-0  1 --- 12  Van Slyke doubled deep down the right field line (CCFBFX)
 0-0  1 -2- 20  Van Slyke stole third (BB>C)
 0-0  1 --3 22  Brenly grounded out to second, Van Slyke scored (BB>C.FX)
 0-1  2 --- 01  Davis,C flied out to left (CX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Ringlings batting
 0-1  0 --- 00  White,F lined a single to shallow right (X)
 0-1  0 1-- 12  Brooks lined a single down the left field line, White,F 
                  to third (CCBX)
 0-1  0 1-3 10  LeMaster lined a single to right center, White,F scored, 
                  Brooks to third (BX)
 1-1  0 1-3 12  Ortiz hit a sacrifice fly to center, Brooks scored 
 2-1  1 1-- 10  LeMaster stole second (B>B)
 2-1  1 -2- 32  Yastrzemski popped out to third (B>B.BCSFX)
 2-1  2 -2- 01  Cox flied out to center (CX)
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Arms batting
 2-1  0 --- 02  Sandberg flied out to center (FCFX)
 2-1  1 --- 22  Matthews struck out (BFBFC)
 2-1  2 --- 00  Ramirez,R flied out to right (X)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Ringlings batting
 2-1  0 --- 22  Wilson,M grounded out to short (CBBSFX)
 2-1  1 --- 00  Mazzilli grounded out to second (X)
 2-1  2 --- 22  Rice struck out (CFBBS)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Arms batting
 2-1  0 --- 01  Cabell grounded out to second (CX)
 2-1  1 --- 32  Honeycutt grounded out to second (FBBBCX)
 2-1  2 --- 12  Gross flied out to center (BCSX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Ringlings batting
 2-1  0 --- 00  White,F reached on an infield single to the pitcher (X)
 2-1  0 1-- 00  Brooks lined a single down the left field line, White,F 
                  to third (X)
 2-1  0 1-3 00  LeMaster lined a single down the right field line, 
                  White,F scored, Brooks to third (X)
 3-1  0 1-3 00  Ortiz singled to right center, Brooks scored, LeMaster to 
                  third (1X)
 4-1  0 1-3 00  Yastrzemski flied out to center (X)
 4-1  1 1-3 12  Cox grounded into a double play, Sandberg to Ramirez,R to 
                  Cabell (SBSX)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Arms batting
 4-1  0 --- 12  Van Slyke grounded out to short (BSCX)
 4-1  1 --- 00  Brenly grounded out to third (X)
 4-1  2 --- 00  Davis,C grounded a single up the middle (X)
 4-1  2 1-- 31  Sandberg walked, Davis,C to second (BC1BBB)
 4-1  2 12- 32  Matthews struck out (BCBFFB>S)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-1  0 --- 02  Wilson,M reached on an infield single to second (SFFX)
 4-1  0 1-- 32  Mazzilli lined out to right (SSBBF1BFX)
                Honeycutt left the game with an injury
                Baines now playing right field
                Moore,M now pitching
 4-1  1 1-- 22  Rice flied out to right (C1BpB11CX)
 4-1  2 1-- 11  Wilson,M stole second (C11B>B)
 4-1  2 -2- 31  White,F walked (C11B>B.BB)
 4-1  2 12- 22  Brooks struck out (BSBCS)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Arms batting
 4-1  0 --- 22  Ramirez,R grounded out to second (CBBSX)
 4-1  1 --- 32  Cabell struck out (FSBBBFS)
 4-1  2 --- 02  Baines struck out (FFS)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Ringlings batting
                Sisk now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 12  LeMaster grounded out to short (FbBFX)
 4-1  1 --- 11  Ortiz was hit by a pitch (BCH)
 4-1  1 1-- 22  Yastrzemski grounded out to second, Ortiz to second 
 4-1  2 -2- 00  Cox grounded out to third (X)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Arms batting
 4-1  0 --- 22  Gross struck out (BBCFS)
 4-1  1 --- 01  Van Slyke grounded out to second (CX)
 4-1  2 --- 10  Brenly flied out to left (BX)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Ringlings batting
                Leonard,J now playing left field
                Power now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 31  Wilson,M lined a single to shallow right (BBBCX)
 4-1  0 1-- 00  Wilson,M was caught stealing second after being picked 
                  off first by Power (1)
 4-1  1 --- 10  Mazzilli doubled deep down the right field line (1.BX)
 4-1  1 -2- 30  Rice was walked intentionally (IIII)
 4-1  1 12- 02  White,F grounded into a double play, Ramirez,R to 
                  Sandberg to Cabell (FSX)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Arms batting
 4-1  0 --- 11  Davis,C popped out to the mound (FBX)
 4-1  1 --- 10  Sandberg grounded out to short (BX)
 4-1  2 --- 31  Leonard,J walked (BBBCB)
 4-1  2 1-- 11  Leonard,J stole second, Leonard,J to third on an error by 
                  the catcher Ortiz (BS>C)
 4-1  2 --3 12  Ramirez,R grounded out to second (BS>C.FFFX)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Ringlings batting
                Stanley now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 32  Brooks walked (SCBBFBB)
 4-1  0 1-- 10  LeMaster sacrifice bunted to the mound, Brooks to second 
 4-1  1 -2- 11  Ortiz grounded out to short, Brooks to third (BFX)
 4-1  2 --3 10  Brooks out at home attempting to advance (BB)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Arms batting
 4-1  0 --- 11  Cabell grounded out to second (FBX)
 4-1  1 --- 10  Baines lined a single to center (BX)
 4-1  1 1-- 00  Gross flied out to center (X)
                Washington,R pinch hitting for Stanley
 4-1  2 1-- 22  Washington,R popped out to short (SBFBX)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Ringlings batting
                Forster now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 32  Yastrzemski flied out to center (SBFBBX)
                Laudner pinch hitting for Cox
 4-1  1 --- 12  Laudner struck out (CBSS)
 4-1  2 --- 11  Wilson,M grounded out to second (SBX)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Arms batting
                Johnson,Jo now pitching
 4-1  0 --- 21  Brenly flied out to center (BBSX)
 4-1  1 --- 31  Davis,C walked (FBBBB)
                McGaffigan now pitching
 4-1  1 1-- 20  McGaffigan threw a wild pitch, Davis,C to second (BBB)
 4-1  1 -2- 31  Sandberg walked (BBB.CB)
 4-1  1 12- 00  Ortiz allowed a passed ball, Davis,C to third, Sandberg 
                  to second (B)
 4-1  1 -23 22  Leonard,J lined a single to left center, Davis,C scored, 
                  Sandberg scored (B.FFBX)
 4-3  1 1-- 00  Ramirez,R flied out to right (11X)
 4-3  2 1-- 00  Cabell lined a double to right center, Leonard,J scored 
 4-4  2 -2- 11  Baines grounded out to short (SBX)
**************  Top of the 10th inning, Ringlings batting
                Berra pinch hitting for Mazzilli
 4-4  0 --- 11  Berra grounded out to second (CBX)
 4-4  1 --- 22  Rice grounded out to first (CBSBFX)
 4-4  2 --- 11  White,F grounded out to short (CBX)
**************  Bottom of the 10th inning, Arms batting
                Strawberry now playing right field
 4-4  0 --- 02  Gross lined a single to shallow center (FSFX)
                Marshall pinch hitting for Forster
 4-4  0 1-- 22  Marshall struck out (BBCFC)
 4-4  1 1-- 11  Gross was caught stealing second (BC>C)
 4-4  2 --- 12  Brenly to first on an error by the first baseman 
                  Yastrzemski (BC>C.X)
 4-4  2 1-- 01  Brenly stole second (1C11>C)
 4-4  2 -2- 02  Davis,C struck out (1C11>C.S)
**************  Top of the 11th inning, Ringlings batting
                Burris now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 21  Brooks popped out to third (CBBX)
 4-4  1 --- 01  LeMaster grounded out to short (CX)
 4-4  2 --- 00  Ortiz grounded out to second (X)
**************  Bottom of the 11th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 02  Sandberg struck out (CFFS)
 4-4  1 --- 12  Leonard,J flied out to right (FSBX)
 4-4  2 --- 20  Ramirez,R reached on an infield single to first (BBX)
 4-4  2 1-- 02  Cabell lined a single up the middle, Ramirez,R to second 
 4-4  2 12- 32  Baines grounded out to short (BFBFFB>X)
**************  Top of the 12th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 21  Yastrzemski flied out to center (BFBX)
                Grubb pinch hitting for McGaffigan
 4-4  1 --- 32  Grubb struck out (BFBBFS)
 4-4  2 --- 00  Wilson,M popped out to the catcher (X)
**************  Bottom of the 12th inning, Arms batting
                Davis,Ma now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 11  Gross grounded out to second (SBX)
 4-4  1 --- 11  Burris popped out to short (BCX)
 4-4  2 --- 01  Brenly popped out to second (CX)
**************  Top of the 13th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Strawberry grounded out to second (X)
 4-4  1 --- 10  Rice lined a single to shallow center (BX)
 4-4  1 1-- 11  White,F flied out to left (SBX)
 4-4  2 1-- 21  Brooks flied out to right (BBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 13th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 12  Davis,C struck out (BCSS)
 4-4  1 --- 12  Sandberg grounded out to third (CBFX)
 4-4  2 --- 02  Leonard,J grounded out to first (CFX)
**************  Top of the 14th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 12  LeMaster struck out (BFSS)
 4-4  1 --- 12  Ortiz grounded out to third (BFSX)
 4-4  2 --- 00  Yastrzemski lined a double to left center (X)
                Hassey pinch hitting for Davis,Ma
 4-4  2 -2- 10  Hassey grounded a single up the middle, Yastrzemski out 
                  at home (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 14th inning, Arms batting
                Clear now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 12  Ramirez,R struck out (CCBS)
 4-4  1 --- 22  Cabell struck out (FFBBS)
 4-4  2 --- 12  Baines lined a single to right center (CBSX)
 4-4  2 1-- 30  Gross walked, Baines to second (BBBB)
 4-4  2 12- 02  Burris struck out (FSFC)
**************  Top of the 15th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 10  Wilson,M grounded out to short (BX)
 4-4  1 --- 22  Strawberry struck out (BBFFS)
 4-4  2 --- 12  Rice struck out (CSBS)
**************  Bottom of the 15th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 02  Brenly lined a single to right center (SSX)
 4-4  0 1-- 32  Davis,C struck out (11CBBFF1F1BS)
 4-4  1 1-- 12  Sandberg grounded a single between third and short, 
                  Brenly to second (1CCBX)
 4-4  1 12- 12  Leonard,J struck out (BFCS)
 4-4  2 12- 00  Ramirez,R popped out to short (X)
**************  Top of the 16th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 10  White,F flied out to center (BX)
 4-4  1 --- 22  Brooks flied out to left (BBSFX)
 4-4  2 --- 21  LeMaster bunted for a single (BCBXb)
 4-4  2 1-- 02  Ortiz grounded out to second (FCX)
**************  Bottom of the 16th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 01  Cabell lined out to short (CX)
 4-4  1 --- 00  Baines grounded out to second (X)
 4-4  2 --- 22  Gross flied out to right (SFBBFX)
**************  Top of the 17th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 32  Yastrzemski popped out to second (BBCSBX)
 4-4  1 --- 11  Clear grounded out to second (BFX)
 4-4  2 --- 20  Wilson,M lined out to left (BBX)
**************  Bottom of the 17th inning, Arms batting
                Gladden pinch hitting for Burris
 4-4  0 --- 00  Gladden grounded out to third (X)
 4-4  1 --- 22  Brenly struck out (BFCBC)
 4-4  2 --- 01  Davis,C grounded out to second (CX)
**************  Top of the 18th inning, Ringlings batting
                Shirley now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 10  Strawberry grounded out to second (BX)
 4-4  1 --- 10  Rice grounded out to second (BX)
 4-4  2 --- 31  White,F flied out to left (BBFBX)
**************  Bottom of the 18th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Sandberg flied out to right (X)
 4-4  1 --- 02  Leonard,J struck out (CCS)
 4-4  2 --- 12  Ramirez,R struck out (CBFC)
**************  Top of the 19th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Brooks grounded out to the mound (X)
 4-4  1 --- 32  LeMaster walked (BBbBCFB)
                Eckersley now pitching
 4-4  1 1-- 00  LeMaster stole second (11>B)
 4-4  1 -2- 10  Ortiz grounded out to second, LeMaster to third (11>B.X)
 4-4  2 --3 02  Yastrzemski flied out to center (CFX)
**************  Bottom of the 19th inning, Arms batting
                Tekulve now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 12  Cabell struck out (SBSS)
 4-4  1 --- 32  Baines walked (FCBBBB)
 4-4  1 1-- 22  Gross struck out (SBCB1S)
 4-4  2 1-- 11  Eckersley lined out to right (BSX)
**************  Top of the 20th inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 11  Tekulve popped out to second (CBX)
 4-4  1 --- 10  Wilson,M reached on an infield single to second (BX)
 4-4  1 1-- 11  Strawberry grounded into a double play, Cabell to 
                  Ramirez,R to Cabell (B1CX)
**************  Bottom of the 20th inning, Arms batting
 4-4  0 --- 11  Brenly flied out to center (BSX)
 4-4  1 --- 11  Davis,C grounded out to third (CBX)
 4-4  2 --- 11  Sandberg reached on an infield single to short (BCX)
 4-4  2 1-- 01  Leonard,J grounded a single between first and second, 
                  Sandberg to third (CX)
 4-4  2 1-3 11  Ramirez,R grounded to short, forcing Leonard,J at second 
**************  Top of the 21st inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 00  Rice grounded a single up the middle (X)
 4-4  0 1-- 00  White,F bunted into an out to the mound, forcing Rice at 
                  second, White,F to first (Xb)
 4-4  1 1-- 11  Brooks popped out to center (1BC1X)
 4-4  2 1-- 00  LeMaster flied out to left (X)
**************  Bottom of the 21st inning, Arms batting
                Knepper now pitching
 4-4  0 --- 02  Cabell struck out (CFC)
 4-4  1 --- 01  Baines flied out to right (FX)
 4-4  2 --- 02  Gross struck out (SFS)
**************  Top of the 22nd inning, Ringlings batting
 4-4  0 --- 02  Ortiz struck out (CCFFS)
 4-4  1 --- 01  Yastrzemski grounded a double down the third base line 
 4-4  1 -2- 02  Knepper grounded a triple down the first base line, 
                  Yastrzemski scored (FFFX)
                Zahn now pitching
 5-4  1 --3 00  Wilson,M popped out to second (X)
 5-4  2 --3 11  Strawberry grounded out to short (BSX)
**************  Bottom of the 22nd inning, Arms batting
 5-4  0 --- 00  Zahn grounded out to first (X)
 5-4  1 --- 00  Brenly flied out to center (X)
 5-4  2 --- 01  Davis,C flied out to left (CX)