9/6/1979, ROC79-SOP79, Dodger Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10     R  H  E   LOB DP
1979 Files             1  0  3  0  0  1  0  0  4  0     9 12  0    10  1
1979 Kates             1  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  3  1    10 17  0    13  0
Files                AB  R  H BI   AVG    Kates                AB  R  H BI   AVG
McBride           rf  3  0  1  1  .299    Jones,Ru          cf  5  2  2  0  .279
 Miller,R         ph  1  0  0  0  .250    Yastrzemski       1b  5  1  2  0  .250
 Cash             2b  1  0  0  0  .277    Walling           lf  5  3  3  1  .284
 Sosa             p   0  0  0  0  .000    Parker            rf  5  2  4  3  .315
Yount             ss  4  2  2  0  .271    Simmons           c   3  1  1  1  .214
 Spencer          ph  0  0  0  0  .322     Buskey           p   0  0  0  0  .500
 Alexander,M      pr  1  1  0  0  .000     Reardon          p   0  0  0  0  .000
Lezcano           lf  6  2  3  2  .299     Jackson,G        p   0  0  0  0  .000
Thomas,G          cf  4  0  0  1  .219     Aikens           ph  0  0  0  1  .257
 North            cf  1  0  0  0  .279    Kennedy,J         2b  3  0  0  0  .262
Johnson,C         c   2  1  0  0  .267     Ford,Dan         ph  1  0  1  0  .309
 Drago            p   0  0  0  0  .000     Cruz,Ju          pr  0  1  0  1  .287
 Kelly            ph  1  0  0  0  .285    Burleson          ss  5  0  1  1  .230
 Sutter           p   0  0  0  0  .125     Johnson,L        pr  0  0  0  0  .290
 Parrish,Lr       ph  1  0  0  0  .315     Robinson,Bi      3b  0  0  0  0  .244
 Lopez            p   0  0  0  0  .500    Maddox,E          3b  4  0  2  1  .267
 Morrison         2b  0  0  0  0  .235     Soderholm        3b  0  0  0  0  .183
Knight            3b  5  2  4  2  .302     Bosley           ph  0  0  0  0  .000
Scott,R           2b  2  0  0  0  .277     Kingman,B        p   0  0  0  0  .400
 Kemp             ph  0  1  0  0  .308    Baumgarten        p   3  0  0  0  .095
Murray,E          1b  3  0  1  1  .279     Ferguson         c   1  0  1  1  .259
Palmer,D          p   2  0  0  0  .094                         40 10 17 10
 Downing          c   3  0  1  2  .317
                     40  9 12  9
Files                            INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Palmer,D                         4.0  7  5  5  3  1  79  48  3.77
Drago                            2.0  4  1  1  0  1  29  21  1.72
Sutter                           2.0  1  0  0  0  2  14  11  1.88
Lopez            H 14            0.1  3  3  3  0  0  16   9  4.47
Sosa             BS 4, L 6-5     1.0  2  1  1  4  0  35  13  3.91
                                 9.1 17 10 10  7  4 173 102 
Kates                            INN  H  R ER BB  K PCH STR   ERA
Baumgarten                       6.0  8  5  5  3  2 103  59  3.72
Buskey           H 1             2.0  1  1  1  2  1  33  19  4.68
Reardon          BS 2            0.2  2  3  3  1  0  17  11  5.40
Jackson,G                        0.1  1  0  0  1  0  11   5  4.65
Kingman,B        W 3-4           1.0  0  0  0  0  1  11   7  5.79
                                10.0 12  9  9  7  4 175 101 
ROC: Downing inserted at c in the 5th
     Kelly batted for Drago in the 7th
     Kemp batted for Scott,R in the 8th
     Miller,R batted for McBride in the 8th
     Cash inserted at 2b in the 8th
     Kemp moved to rf in the 8th
     Spencer batted for Yount in the 9th
     Alexander,M ran for Spencer in the 9th
     Parrish,Lr batted for Sutter in the 9th
     North inserted at cf in the 9th
     Alexander,M moved to ss in the 9th
     Morrison inserted at 2b in the 9th
SOP: Ferguson inserted at c in the 7th
     Soderholm inserted at 3b in the 8th
     Aikens batted for Jackson,G in the 9th
     Ford,Dan batted for Kennedy,J in the 9th
     Cruz,Ju ran for Ford,Dan in the 9th
     Bosley batted for Soderholm in the 9th
     Johnson,L ran for Burleson in the 9th
     Robinson,Bi inserted at 3b in the 10th
     Aikens moved to ss in the 10th
     Cruz,Ju moved to 2b in the 10th
2B-Lezcano(31), Knight(5), Jones,Ru(19), Parker(31). RBI-McBride(24), 
Lezcano 2(75), Thomas,G(123), Knight 2(6), Murray,E(88), Downing 2(53), 
Walling(13), Parker 3(67), Simmons(58), Burleson(48), Maddox,E(2), 
Ferguson(41), Aikens(53), Cruz,Ju(10). SB-Alexander,M(1). K-McBride, Knight, 
Murray,E, North, Yastrzemski, Walling, Parker, Burleson. BB-McBride, 
Johnson,C, Murray,E 2, Kemp 2, Spencer, Jones,Ru, Yastrzemski, Walling, 
Simmons, Aikens, Cruz,Ju, Bosley. SH-Scott,R, Kennedy,J. SF-Thomas,G, Parker, 
Ferguson, Aikens. WP-Baumgarten. 
GWRBI: Cruz,Ju
Rick Burleson was injured for this game and 1 more days
Temperature: 82, Sky: cloudy, Wind: left to right at 12 MPH.
9/6/1979, ROC79-SOP79, Dodger Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10     R  H  E   LOB DP
1979 Files             1  0  3  0  0  1  0  0  4  0     9 12  0    10  1
1979 Kates             1  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  3  1    10 17  0    13  0
Files                -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
McBride           rf 1>k          3>8            W            S.2-H;1-3              
 Miller,R         ph                                                       64/f      
 Cash             2b                                                                 
 Sosa             p                                                                  
Yount             ss   S            S            64/f         9                      
 Spencer          ph                                                     9>W         
 Alexander,M      pr                                                                 
Lezcano           lf   S.1-2        D.1-H      5>1/L        7>Buskey       Reardon   
                                                              7            SB2       
Thomas,G          cf   wp.2-3;1-2   3/fl         13           8            8         
 North            cf                                                                 
Johnson,C         c    7            W            9                                   
 Drago            p                                                                  
 Kelly            ph                                          8                      
 Sutter           p                                                                  
 Parrish,Lr       ph                                                       8         
 Lopez            p                                                                  
 Morrison         2b                                                                 
Knight            3b 2>S            D.2-H;1-H  6>S          8>k            S.1-2     
Scott,R           2b   14/SH.1-2    2/fl         8                                   
 Kemp             ph                                          W            W.2-3;1-2 
Murray,E          1b   8.2-3      4>k            W.1-2        S.1-2        Jackson,G 
                                                                           note 1    
Palmer,D          p    43           63                                               
 Downing          c                              4            note 2       note 3    
 1: W.3-H;2-3;1-2  2: 64/f.2-3;B-1  3: S.3-H;2-H;1-3;B-2 
Kates                -----A------ -----B------ -----C------ -----D------ -----E------
Jones,Ru          cf 1>D          3>W          5>S          6>7            643/gdp   
Yastrzemski       1b   W            9            S.1-2        S            k(23)     
Walling           lf   63.2-3;1-2   k            S.2-H;1-2    S.1-2      9>Lopez     
Parker            rf   7/SF.3-H     S.1-3        D.2-H;1-H    k            S.1-3     
Simmons           c    IW           13           Drago        5/L                    
 Buskey           p                                                                  
 Reardon          p                                                                  
 Jackson,G        p                                                                  
 Aikens           ph                                                       7/SF.3-H  
Kennedy,J         2b   153        4>43           34/SH.1-2  7>Sutter                 
 Ford,Dan         ph                                                       S.1-3     
 Cruz,Ju          pr                                                                 
Burleson          ss 2>8            8            31.2-3       k            Sosa      
 Johnson,L        pr                                                                 
 Robinson,Bi      3b                                                                 
Maddox,E          3b   63           S            S.3-H        63                     
 Soderholm        3b                                                                 
 Bosley           ph                                                       W.1-2     
 Kingman,B        p                                                                  
Baumgarten        p    63           5/fl         9                                   
 Ferguson         c                                         8>S            note 1    
 1: 9/SF.3-H;2-3 
Files                -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
McBride           rf                                                                 
 Miller,R         ph                                                                 
 Cash             2b   5/L                                                           
 Sosa             p                                                                  
Yount             ss                                                                 
 Spencer          ph                                                                 
 Alexander,M      pr 0>Kingman,B                                                     
Lezcano           lf   6                                                             
Thomas,G          cf                                                                 
 North            cf   k                                                             
Johnson,C         c                                                                  
 Drago            p                                                                  
 Kelly            ph                                                                 
 Sutter           p                                                                  
 Parrish,Lr       ph                                                                 
 Lopez            p                                                                  
 Morrison         2b                                                                 
Knight            3b                                                                 
Scott,R           2b                                                                 
 Kemp             ph                                                                 
Murray,E          1b                                                                 
Palmer,D          p                                                                  
 Downing          c                                                                  
Kates                -----F------ -----G------ -----H------ -----I------ -----J------
Jones,Ru          cf   43                                                            
Yastrzemski       1b 0>9                                                             
Walling           lf   W                                                             
Parker            rf   S.1-3                                                         
Simmons           c                                                                  
 Buskey           p                                                                  
 Reardon          p                                                                  
 Jackson,G        p                                                                  
 Aikens           ph   IW.1-2                                                        
Kennedy,J         2b                                                                 
 Ford,Dan         ph                                                                 
 Cruz,Ju          pr   note 1                                                        
Burleson          ss                                                                 
 Johnson,L        pr                                                                 
 Robinson,Bi      3b                                                                 
Maddox,E          3b                                                                 
 Soderholm        3b                                                                 
 Bosley           ph                                                                 
 Kingman,B        p                                                                  
Baumgarten        p                                                                  
 Ferguson         c                                                                  
 1: W.3-H;2-3;1-2 
Files            IN OUT ER                  Kates            IN OUT ER                  
Palmer,D         A1  C4  5                  Baumgarten       A1  D2  5                  
Drago            C5  D5  1                  Buskey           D3  E2  1 H 1              
Sutter           D6  E2  0                  Reardon          E3  E7  3 BS 2             
Lopez            E3  E6  3 H 14             Jackson,G        E8  F1  0                  
Sosa             E7  F6  1 BS 4, L 6-5      Kingman,B        F2  F4  0 W 3-4            
9/6/1979, ROC79-SOP79, Dodger Stadium
                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10     R  H  E   LOB DP
1979 Files             1  0  3  0  0  1  0  0  4  0     9 12  0    10  1
1979 Kates             1  0  0  0  5  0  0  0  3  1    10 17  0    13  0
Score O Rnr BS  Event
----- - --- --  -----
**************  Top of the 1st inning, Files batting
 0-0  0 --- 02  McBride struck out (CFFC)
 0-0  1 --- 20  Yount lined a single to right (BBX)
 0-0  1 1-- 22  Lezcano lined a single to left, Yount to second (BBCFX)
 0-0  1 12- 00  Baumgarten threw a wild pitch, Yount to third, Lezcano to 
                  second (B)
 0-0  1 -23 10  Thomas,G hit a sacrifice fly to right, Yount scored (B.X)
 1-0  2 -2- 12  Johnson,C flied out to left (CBCX)
**************  Bottom of the 1st inning, Kates batting
 1-0  0 --- 20  Jones,Ru lined a double to left center (BBX)
 1-0  0 -2- 32  Yastrzemski walked (FFBBBB)
 1-0  0 12- 01  Walling grounded out to short, Jones,Ru to third, 
                  Yastrzemski to second (CX)
 1-0  1 -23 01  Parker hit a sacrifice fly to left, Jones,Ru scored (CX)
 1-1  2 -2- 30  Simmons was walked intentionally (IIII)
 1-1  2 12- 10  Kennedy,J grounded out to the mound (BX)
**************  Top of the 2nd inning, Files batting
 1-1  0 --- 00  Knight lined a single to right center (X)
 1-1  0 1-- 01  Scott,R sacrifice bunted to the mound, Knight to second 
 1-1  1 -2- 22  Murray,E flied out to center, Knight to third (FBFBX)
 1-1  2 --3 12  Palmer,D grounded out to second (BSFX)
**************  Bottom of the 2nd inning, Kates batting
 1-1  0 --- 00  Burleson lined out to center (X)
 1-1  1 --- 22  Maddox,E grounded out to short (CCBBX)
 1-1  2 --- 11  Baumgarten grounded out to short (BSX)
**************  Top of the 3rd inning, Files batting
 1-1  0 --- 11  McBride flied out to center (FBX)
 1-1  1 --- 22  Yount grounded a single between third and short (CFBBFX)
 1-1  1 1-- 10  Lezcano lined a double to left center, Yount scored (B1X)
 2-1  1 -2- 32  Thomas,G popped out to first (FBBFBX)
 2-1  2 -2- 32  Johnson,C walked (CFBBBB)
 2-1  2 12- 32  Knight grounded a double down the third base line, 
                  Lezcano scored, Johnson,C scored (BCBFB>F>F>X)
 4-1  2 -2- 11  Scott,R popped out to the catcher (BCX)
**************  Bottom of the 3rd inning, Kates batting
 4-1  0 --- 30  Jones,Ru walked (BBBB)
 4-1  0 1-- 12  Yastrzemski flied out to right (B>FC1FFFX)
 4-1  1 1-- 32  Walling struck out (CBSBBFS)
 4-1  2 1-- 21  Parker lined a single to right, Jones,Ru to third (BB1S1X)
 4-1  2 1-3 01  Simmons grounded out to the mound (CX)
**************  Top of the 4th inning, Files batting
 4-1  0 --- 22  Murray,E struck out (BBSSS)
 4-1  1 --- 20  Palmer,D grounded out to short (BBX)
 4-1  2 --- 31  McBride walked (BBCBB)
 4-1  2 1-- 00  Yount grounded to short, forcing McBride at second (1X)
**************  Bottom of the 4th inning, Kates batting
 4-1  0 --- 12  Kennedy,J grounded out to second (FBFFX)
 4-1  1 --- 12  Burleson flied out to center (CCBFX)
 4-1  2 --- 01  Maddox,E lined a single to left (CX)
 4-1  2 1-- 12  Baumgarten popped out to third (1FBFX)
**************  Top of the 5th inning, Files batting
 4-1  0 --- 11  Lezcano lined out to the mound (CBX)
 4-1  1 --- 21  Thomas,G grounded out to the mound (CBBX)
 4-1  2 --- 00  Johnson,C flied out to right (X)
**************  Bottom of the 5th inning, Kates batting
 4-1  0 --- 00  Jones,Ru reached on an infield single to second (X)
 4-1  0 1-- 00  Yastrzemski reached on an infield single to third, 
                  Jones,Ru to second (>X)
 4-1  0 12- 32  Walling lined a single to shallow left, Jones,Ru scored, 
                  Yastrzemski to second (BFSBBX)
 4-2  0 12- 11  Parker lined a double to left center, Yastrzemski scored, 
                  Walling scored (FBX)
                Downing now playing catcher
                Drago now pitching
 4-4  0 -2- 00  Simmons lined a single to shallow left, Parker scored (X)
 4-5  0 1-- 21  Kennedy,J sacrifice bunted to first, Simmons to second 
 4-5  1 -2- 00  Burleson grounded out to first, Simmons to third (X)
 4-5  2 --3 02  Maddox,E lined a single to shallow center, Simmons scored 
 4-6  2 1-- 21  Baumgarten flied out to right (1BBFX)
**************  Top of the 6th inning, Files batting
 4-6  0 --- 01  Knight lined a single to shallow center (FX)
 4-6  0 1-- 00  Scott,R flied out to center (X)
 4-6  1 1-- 30  Murray,E walked, Knight to second (B1BBB)
 4-6  1 12- 31  Downing popped out to second (CBBBX)
 4-6  2 12- 11  McBride lined a single to left center, Knight scored, 
                  Murray,E to third (BFX)
 5-6  2 1-3 10  Yount flied out to right (BX)
**************  Bottom of the 6th inning, Kates batting
 5-6  0 --- 10  Jones,Ru flied out to left (BX)
 5-6  1 --- 22  Yastrzemski lined a single to shallow right (CFBBX)
 5-6  1 1-- 02  Walling lined a single between first and second, 
                  Yastrzemski to second (CFX)
 5-6  1 12- 02  Parker struck out (CSS)
 5-6  2 12- 11  Simmons lined out to third (BCX)
**************  Top of the 7th inning, Files batting
                Ferguson now playing catcher
                Buskey now pitching
 5-6  0 --- 01  Lezcano flied out to left (CX)
 5-6  1 --- 12  Thomas,G flied out to center (SSBX)
                Kelly pinch hitting for Drago
 5-6  2 --- 32  Kelly flied out to center (BBBCCX)
**************  Bottom of the 7th inning, Kates batting
                Sutter now pitching
 5-6  0 --- 01  Kennedy,J grounded out to second (CX)
 5-6  1 --- 12  Burleson struck out (CSBS)
 5-6  2 --- 00  Maddox,E grounded out to short (X)
**************  Top of the 8th inning, Files batting
                Soderholm now playing third base
 5-6  0 --- 12  Knight struck out (FBFS)
                Kemp pinch hitting for Scott,R
 5-6  1 --- 32  Kemp walked (BBBCFB)
 5-6  1 1-- 11  Murray,E grounded a single between first and second, Kemp 
                  to second (BCX)
 5-6  1 12- 00  Downing grounded to short, forcing Murray,E at second, 
                  Kemp to third, Downing to first (X)
                Miller,R pinch hitting for McBride
 5-6  2 1-3 00  Miller,R grounded to short, forcing Downing at second (X)
**************  Bottom of the 8th inning, Kates batting
                Cash now playing second base
                Kemp moved to right field
 5-6  0 --- 10  Ferguson lined a single to right (BX)
 5-6  0 1-- 00  Jones,Ru grounded into a double play, Yount to Cash to 
                  Murray,E (X)
 5-6  2 --- 12  Yastrzemski struck out, Downing to Murray,E (BCSS)
**************  Top of the 9th inning, Files batting
                Spencer pinch hitting for Yount
 5-6  0 --- 32  Spencer walked (CBBBFB)
                Reardon now pitching
                Alexander,M pinch running for Spencer
 5-6  0 1-- 00  Alexander,M stole second (1>B)
 5-6  0 -2- 10  Lezcano lined a single to shallow left, Alexander,M 
                  scored (1>B.X)
 6-6  0 1-- 00  Thomas,G flied out to center (X)
                Parrish,Lr pinch hitting for Sutter
 6-6  1 1-- 02  Parrish,Lr flied out to center (C1CX)
 6-6  2 1-- 11  Knight lined a single to shallow center, Lezcano to 
                  second (B1FX)
 6-6  2 12- 32  Kemp walked, Lezcano to third, Knight to second 
                Jackson,G now pitching
 6-6  2 123 32  Murray,E walked, Lezcano scored, Knight to third, Kemp to 
                  second (CBBFB>B)
 7-6  2 123 21  Downing lined a single to left, Knight scored, Kemp 
                  scored, Murray,E to third, Downing to second (FBBX)
 9-6  2 -23 00  Cash lined out to third (X)
**************  Bottom of the 9th inning, Kates batting
                North now playing center field
                Lopez now pitching
                Alexander,M moved to shortstop
 9-6  0 --- 32  Walling grounded a single between third and short (BBSBSX)
 9-6  0 1-- 11  Parker lined a single down the left field line, Walling 
                  to third (BFX)
                Aikens pinch hitting for Jackson,G
 9-6  0 1-3 10  Aikens hit a sacrifice fly to left, Walling scored (BX)
                Ford,Dan pinch hitting for Kennedy,J
 9-7  1 1-- 22  Ford,Dan lined a single to left center, Parker to third 
                Morrison now playing second base
                Sosa now pitching
                Cruz,Ju pinch running for Ford,Dan
 9-7  1 1-3 00  Burleson lined a single between first and second, Parker 
                  scored, Cruz,Ju to third (1X)
                Burleson left the game with an injury
                Bosley pinch hitting for Soderholm
                Johnson,L pinch running for Burleson
 9-8  1 1-3 31  Bosley walked, Johnson,L to second (BBCBB)
 9-8  1 123 10  Ferguson hit a sacrifice fly to right, Cruz,Ju scored, 
                  Johnson,L to third (BX)
 9-9  2 1-3 21  Jones,Ru grounded out to second (FBBX)
**************  Top of the 10th inning, Files batting
                Robinson,Bi now playing third base
                Kingman,B now pitching
                Aikens moved to shortstop
                Cruz,Ju moved to second base
 9-9  0 --- 10  Alexander,M grounded out to the mound (BX)
 9-9  1 --- 11  Lezcano popped out to short (BSX)
 9-9  2 --- 22  North struck out (BFFFBS)
**************  Bottom of the 10th inning, Kates batting
 9-9  0 --- 01  Yastrzemski lined out to right (SX)
 9-9  1 --- 31  Walling walked (BBBCB)
 9-9  1 1-- 32  Parker grounded a single up the middle, Walling to third 
 9-9  1 1-3 30  Aikens was walked intentionally, Parker to second (IIII)
 9-9  1 123 32  Cruz,Ju walked, Walling scored, Parker to third, Aikens 
                  to second (BSBBCB)